heroal D 65 C SP,
heroal W 72,
heroal D 72 - Objekttuersystem,
heroal D 82 FP
Kassel, Germany
Pistorius Türen- und Fensterbau GmbH
Further information on the heroal products used:
heroal D 65 C SP
Non-insulated profile systemsFire and smoke protection systems
There are various different ways of combining smoke protection elements in indoor areas: with the heroal D 65 C SP profile system, it is possible to install single- and double-casement smoke control doors that have been tested to DIN 18095 RS 1/RS 2 and EN 1634-3 standards. Central glazing or an automatic hinged door drive system for smoke control doors are also available as an option. Versions with fixed glazing or dividing wall systems are also possible in a variety of designs. Clampable hinges enable quick and cost-effective production.
Design options
Opening types: single- and double-casement inward and outward opening swing doors with superimposed or concealed overhead door closers or an automatic hinged door drive system
A wide range of designs is provided by variable flush exterior views and the use of glass infills and infill panels
Available with standard or central glazing
Door casement frame available framed or with a base profile
Casement frame sealing with a lowerable floor seal or with a barrier-free flat threshold and towing seal
Colour design with high-quality hwr powder coating
heroal W 72
Window systems
The window system heroal W 72 with its numerous variants offers the greatest possible freedom of design – from the planning phase to manufacture. In addition to supplementary elements, such as the ventilation flap heroal W 72 VF and parallel slide and tilt doors (PSK), this system also provides for perfect combinations with the door system heroal D 72. Sash profiles are available with push rod fitting grooves (SBN) and plastic fitting grooves (KBN), which makes a flexible fabrication possible. It is possible to create windows with a high proportion of glass, thanks to the small face width of just 90 mm. The standard heroal W 72 system with a face width of 120 mm achieves a low Uf value of 1.3 W/m²K, and can be further enhanced or extended. System extensions are heroal W 72 (w/o PU foam – reduction in U value through modification of the profile sealing zone and the use of alternative insulating material), heroal W 72 HI (Highly Insulated - enhancement of the U value through the use of different sealings and insulations) and heroal W 77 UD (Universal Design - French doors with a threshold height < 20 mm).
high thermal insulation with low design depth
proven performance features, combined with heroal WF and heroal WF EM fittings
comprehensive range for every application
heroal D 72 - Objekttuersystem
Door systems
The heroal D 72 door system offers functional versatility with a range of opening types for typical heroal performance features. The tested and certified heroal system allows all conventional types of openings to be implemented, including tested emergency exits and escape routes (according to DIN EN 179/1125), automatic door systems, finger guard doors and burglar-resistant doors – also with the emergency exit door function.
heroal D 82 FP
Door systemsFire and smoke protection systems
The heroal D 82 FP 5-chamber profile system offers technically sophisticated solutions for fire prevention elements. The separation of cooling zone and functional track which is unique to heroal guarantees lasting application and functional reliability, even with frequent use. As well as national certification, there is also the possibility for certification in Austria, Switzerland and the Netherlands.